In the event of an incident which adversely affects the supply of water, the water companies will distribute alternative water supplies, usually in the form of bottled water or through water tanks.
The focus of the water company will be on providing drinking water. Water companies are legally required to supply 10 Litres per head per day in the event of a supply interruption or water quality event. This rises to 20 Litres per head per day after 5 days. The higher volume is to enable flushing of waste to protect health in a prolonged incident.
Priority will be given to vulnerable customers and establishments, for example, hospitals, prisons and nursing homes where possible. Water companies have plans in place detailing how this would be carried out.
You should register with your water company if you or a member of your household has a special requirement, they will have information giving details of eligibility and how to apply.
Are you Ready?
The ‘Are you ready’ booklet brings together advice from various organisation to help you and your family take simple steps to reduce risk, prepare for and respond to emergencies such as fire, flood and loss of power.