Gloucestershire Prepared – Building Resilience Together
Gloucestershire LRF is a multi-agency partnerships made up of representatives from the emergency services, local authorities, the NHS, the Environment Agency and others.
We co-ordinate effective and efficient integrated emergency management arrangements within the County of Gloucestershire.
Gloucestershire Community Risk Register
The Community Risk Register is the first step in planning for emergencies. It provides information on the emergencies that could occur in Gloucestershire, together with an assessment of how likely they are to happen and the potential impacts if they do.
Be Prepared
If you are not involved in the incident, but are close by or believe you may be in danger, in most cases the advice is:
• go inside a safe building;
• stay inside until you are advised to do otherwise; and
• tune in to local radio or TV for more information.
If you find yourself in the middle of an emergency, it is important to:
• make sure 999 has been called if people are injured or if there is a threat to life;
• not put yourself or others in danger;
• follow the advice of the emergency services;
• try to remain calm and think before acting, and try to reassure others; and
• check for injuries – remember to help yourself before attempting to help others.