Be Prepared: Heavy snow and extreme cold

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Preparing for severe winters

Home Preparations:

  • Ensure you have enough insulation around your water tank(s), loft and external water
  • Check you have de-icer, salt/grit and the necessary tools to keep your home safe and clear of

Walking considerations:

  • If you are going outside, wear several layers to avoid losing heat and cover your Keep moving your arms and legs to help the blood circulate.
  • Wear practical footwear that is warm and has good grip for the
  • Consider using a walking stick to aid

Travel considerations:

  • Consider whether you really need to make the
  • If you are travelling when snow or ice is forecast, make sure that you and your car are fully prepared for the trip and that:
    • You have warm clothes, food, water, fully charged mobile phone, torch, spade and possibly a reflective
    • Tell somebody when you expect to arrive and the route you plan to
    • Make sure there is enough screenwash in the windscreen washers, and have some spare to top up if
  • Try to wait for the roads to be treated/gritted before travelling – note it may be that only the major roads are
  • If you must drive, check the Highway Code for advice on driving on ice and The main points are:
    • Slow Allow extra room – it can take 10 times as long to stop in these conditions.
    • If you start to skid, ease gently off the accelerator and avoid If braking is necessary pump the brakes, don’t slam them on.
    • If you get stuck, stay with your car and tie something brightly coloured to the

Other useful information

Gloucestershire County Council Schools closure website:

Government and Met Office information on clearing snow from roads, pavements:

Age UK useful information for older people about keeping well in Winter including a downloadable ‘Winter Wrapped Up’ guide:


Are you Ready?

The ‘Are you ready’  booklet brings together advice from various organisation to help you and your family take simple steps to reduce risk, prepare for and respond to emergencies such as fire, flood and loss of power.